We offer programs which work in two areas of society:
1)General Public
2)Corporations, Business and Organisations.
Our workshops and seminars are designed for you to really advance while feeling greatly supported in creating positive breakthroughs for your life!

Every year we run a vast variety of events for the public in Australia and other countries.
In business, organisations and corporations, supervisors and managers, have begun to realize that there are greater benefits which come from staff and management who have attended our workshops and seminars. Here are some benefits for you in the long term:
Better relationships among all levels in the organisation resulting in increased profitability, less injuries, less staff sick days, less staff turnover, more contentment at work and greater long term sustainability.

We tailor-make our programs to specific needs and/or train in general high level positive outcomes for businesses, corporations and organisations. Some of the focus points are:
- Specific needs and topics for corporations and organizations.
- Streamlining staff, de-stressing and reinvigorating interest for their participation at work and in business.
- Management debriefing and or mediation.
- Competitive versus Creative Leadership Model which creates long term sustainability and profitability.
- One On One Debriefing in Business, Corporations, Organisations.
- workplace emotional and mental health well-being
Click here to contact us about your specific needs.

What do you get from our workshops and trainings?
Our workshops will energise you and give you new and rewarding perspectives for your life!
We give you space and time to explore and heal, with our progressive approaches.
You will come away with new drive, knowledge, energy and happiness.
You will understand yourself and others much more and grow in empathy and knowledge.
Ultimate Mentor Training and it’s benefits to your organization/business and your family
Professional Testimonials
1) Where does staff/professionals in the Mental Health sector benefit from our “ULTIMATE MENTOR TRAINING”?
“The ultimate mentor training provides mental health professionals with valuable tools to release their own emotions. By releasing their own emotions, from their Own lives or emotions triggered by the client, the professional can be truly present for their client.
Releasing prevents burn out in mental health professionals.”
2) What benefits have you gained by it.
“The Ultimate mentor training has been hugely beneficial for me. It has been fun, challenging and allowed me to connect and open to and with a group of people. It has built my confidence and trust in the world and people. Lara and Michael are caring and supportive leaders. They are not afraid to do their own work and share it with others. I have felt deeply loved and accepted by both of them and challenged beyond belief. They are real in their humanity and connect with others humanity.”
a) at work:
“I have incorporated many of the techniques into my own work as a counsellor. It has supported me to welcome and utilise laughter as a therapeutic tool. I have also found contradictions a highly effective tool to help clients release. 0ver all it has helped me loosen up as a counsellor. I feel that I am more fun, more creative, more real and definitely more present.”
b) privately:
“I have referred my friends and family on to the Ultimate Mentor Training. I feel that it is an empowering way to get real in your life. Since completing the Mentor training I am better at accepting and expressing a range of emotions. It has given me and my family healthy tools to express anger. This prevents the build up and explosion of anger. I continue to use and learn about the tools provided in the ultimate mentor training.”
3) Why do you think this particular training should be included as part of the supervision-programs?
“I think this is a fantastic program that is ideally suited to supervision program’s. It would provide professionals with a way of releasing so that they can do their jobs without baggage. It is a program that can be incorporated into work places and used by peers. It can be long or short so mental health professionals could release quickly between clients.”
4) What do you see could happen in society, if these types of programs don’t get offered to staff in MH/social welfare/nursing etc. work sectors?
“Without program’s like these, staff will continue to burn out. This kind of program would increase physical and mental health in staff. It would also increase the connections between staff. I am sure there would be a decrease in sick days.
Overall it would be a benefit to employers, employees, clients, families and the whole community.”
W.H. Social Worker 2015